Saturday, March 10, 2007

Modavie Restaurant in Old Montréal - WOW

My partner and I walked to the train station to leave our luggage while we explore Old Montréal.

I thought I remembered how to get there from the train station but I must admit that I took a wrong turn. We finally figure it out and we were on our way to Old Montréal.

We browsed the neighbourhood but it was a bit early and many restaurants and shops had yet to open. We made it a pleasant walk nonetheless.

We found one of my favourite shop - Senteurs de Provence - which is just the right place to feed my addiction of tea towels, napkins and linen water!!!!

We entered and except for another gay couple (could they have the same addiction? Am I no longer alone in this world?).

The store sales person was obviously dubious of two men being in such a store and watched us like we were about to steal the whole merchandise. I wasnot affected by her behaviour (but BAD SERVICE to be so obvious) as I was determined to feed my addiction with something from Montréal. Indeed I did, I found some lovely tea towels and linen water. I was happy and ready for lunch now.

We walked around and looked at menus posted at the entrance of restaurants. One discerning thing is when you have waiters waiting at the door and being very friendly at passers-by - looks like they are dying for some business (Not looking good and it reminded me of a rip-off in Paris, France).

We had passed the restaurant Modavie earlier and commented about the charm of it. We continued looking around but eventually we decided to go to Modavie as we liked the menu and appearance the best.

Off to Modavie, we went. We were greeted promptly at the door and offered to choose our table. We decided on a corner table facing at St. Laurent and St.Paul, so that we can watch the "world go by" while having lunch.

Our waiter turned out to be one of the best thing in Montréal that week-end. Beside being good looking!, he was excellent at serving his customers, he interacted with us when it was appropriate. My partner is in the hospitality industry so we asked questions about who their customers were, what were the good seasons in Old Montréal, etc. He took the time to talk with us and really made our last meal in Montréal a great experience (GREAT SERVICE). The food was very good, the atmosphere of the restaurant really reflected the neighbourhood and Montréal.

Our waiter was British, had been living in Montréal for 6 years or so, had just returned from a 3 month trip to Europe and had some really funny stories.

The restaurant got quite busy after we had been there for one hour but he never lost track of the two of us sitting in the corner.

This is what customers want to feel, welcome in an establishment - whatever business it it - and leave happy to have patronize that business.

Modavie, we will be back but when we don't know when. My heart is set on visiting the "Rock" as it is the only place I have yet to go in Canada.

We went from this fantastic lunch and customer service experience at Modavie to a disastrous customer service experience on Via 1 back to Toronto.

Last Day in Montréal

Our friends "D" and "B" had mentioned that it was "de rigueur" to have breakfast at Beauties in Montreal, at least once in Montréal.

After last night's dinner, we agreed to an early start on the following morning (we are all really early risers). We decided that the boys will pick us up at the hotel at 8:00 a.m. for an early breakfast.

We meet the boys downstairs and we proceed, through almost deserted streets, to Beauties which is located on the "Plateau" if I recall well. We had a small detour, on the way, due to a police investigation.

We reach Beauties and the interior is exactly as described by our friends - Diner Style. We are almost the first ones in the restaurant and we are greeted cheerfully (GOOD SERVICE AT THIS EARLY TIME OF THE DAY) by two female servers who sit us at a window booth.

In no time, a rapport is established with our server, laughs are all over, coffees, fresh juices are served while we decide - once again - what to feed our now growing bodies!!!!.

Decisions are made, we have a great conversation and plan what we will do for the remaining few hours with our friends in Montréal. The place is filling up quite quickly and our waitress takes time to replenish our coffees. This is obviously a "neighbourhood" restaurant as the servers seem to "know" most customers coming in.

Our breakfasts arrive as ordered. the food is very good, the service fun and attentive. The conversation dies as we - again - feed ourselves.

Alas time to go. What a great experience, we had at Beauties (GREAT SERVICE).

For those of you reading this and employed in the hospitality industry, have breakfast at Beauties and learn what it is to make your paying customers welcome, give them good service and let them leave your establishment wanting to come back in the future.

We decided to tour the "ritzy" neighbourhoods of Montréal before leaving our friends to return to Ottawa. Montréal is a beautiful city (I was there many times in my youth but to party, so I never saw this side of Montréal).

Our friend "B" - the driver for the morning kinda remembers how to get there, through here and there and oops a dead end street! But we did see Montréal, eventually, and enjoy the beautiful homes.

Our last excursion was for us to go through the "gay village". Well we are hardly in the gay village here in Toronto, so I don't know what I was expecting - it's not any different. So my partner and I decide to skip the "gay village" completely for lunch and will walk around old Montréal instead and find a place on our own and did we ever!

We return with our friends to their hotel to let them get on the road to Ottawa and we go to the hotel to fetch our luggage and walk to the train station to leave our luggage while we explore old Montréal.

It was a wonderful week-end with our friends and we hope to repeat again soon in a new city. The four of us travel very well together and often that is not possible when travelling in a semi large group.

Next Post that restaurant in Old Montréal that I must first google to remember the name!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A November Dinner at L'Express in Montréal

After that delightful lunch at L'Académie, we are looking forward to L'Express for dinner.

The doorman at The Ritz Carlton gets us a taxi to take us back to rue St. Denis. The taxi driver turns out to be a delightful, well educated man, probably in his fifties. Our friend "B" sits in the front with him and they had the most interesting conversation about writing. "B" is a great story writer and they shared the individual enjoyment that writing brings to them.

The taxi driver thought that we were 4 nice guys and did say so when we arrived at our destination. (GOOD SERVICE).

This trip to Montréal had been planned since August. Our reservation at L'Express had been made since that time.

We entered the restaurant and were greeted by the Maitre D/Manager/receptionist. This poor guy was doing too many things at once and did not offer a very warm welcome. Our table was not ready, so we had a drink at the bar.

Finally we are seated at the back of the restaurant. Again one of the first thing that you notice here is the poor acoustics. It is very loud but people seem to be enjoying themselves.

We are offer menus from our waiter. We peruse it and each one of us finds items that interests us. The waiter returns, takes our orders and that is the last time we see him until the bill arrives (BAD SERVICE).

The food is delightful. The food runner knows exactly which position, at the table, to place the food but NOT once does he say one word - such as "here's your steak tartare". He is without a smile or a word................"hmmm maybe a bad night for him". Alas as soon as he joins his co-workers at the bar and chats, a big beautiful smile appears on his face BUT that "joie de vivre" is non-existent at every table he brings food to. (BAD SERVICE). He probably does not like interaction with strangers or he is just plain bored of his job.

We had a good dinner at L'Express (food wise) but we all shared the same opinion that the service was not up to the $$$ one leaves behind upon exiting!

Good food and bad service is a very BAD combination.

L'Express has been open many years, so are they too blasé?

Sunday morning, we trek to Beauties for breakfast - what a blast! Next post coming up!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lunch at L'Académie on St.Denis in Montréal

Back to our week-end in Montréal.

We meet with our friends from Ottawa in our room at the Ritz Carlton. "B" is in a shopping mood, while his partner "D" hates shopping.

We agree that "B" should take 90 minutes to shop at his favourites places (Holt Renfrew, Ogilvy's) while we catch up with "D" over coffee. While chatting away, I indicated that one of the light bulb in a table lamp was burned out. My partner calls the front desk and in no time a staff member arrives with a new light bulb. (GOOD SERVICE). While he offers to change the light bulb, we decline his offer and tell him that we will do it ourselves. He leaves, we change the light bulb and it immediately burns out (there must have been a short somewhere).

Back on the phone with the front desk. Again, very quickly, the same gentleman returns with a new light bulb and this time we let him replace it. It works like a charm as the lamp was not properly connected into the electrical outlet. (GOOD SERVICE).

We laugh at the whole thing that just happened and continue our visit with "D".

A knock on the door, we hear! Who could that be? One of the hotel manager presents me with gifts in a bag for our recent inconvenience with the lamp! We thank him and indicate that it is not necessary but he will not hear otherwise! (GREAT SERVICE).

"B" finally joins us and we proceed on this very beautiful, sunny Saturday morning to walk through McGill University towards rue St. Denis. Very pleasant walk. As we get to rue St.Denis, we should have gone north instead of south to find the area that was of interest to us.

We decide to jump in a taxi to take us north on St.Denis. I sit in the front with the taxi driver that had the most unpleasant body odour but a very nice man. We ask about restaurants for lunch in the area that we are going to and he recommends L'Académie. He drops us off at the front door.

We enter L'Académie and we are warmly greeted at the door (GOOD SERVICE). We are taken to a window table on the second floor, the sun shines on us through blinds and the room is very welcoming. Our waiter approaches our table very soon after we are seated, the menus are open and we are thirsty!

We ask for a wine list but this restaurant does not sell wine, they prefer the "bring your own" bottle of wine! Desperation, anxiety on me and my partner faces!!!! "Not to worry" our waiter says, "there is a SAQ, just beside the restaurant". My partner is up quicker than you can say SAQ!

He returns with some lovely Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand and the waiter asks if we want an ice bucket for the wine! (GOOD SERVICE).

Our waiter turns out to have a great personality, is attentive to our needs, is as quick as our friend "B" at making us feel very welcome in the restaurant (GREAT SERVICE) and he was cute on top of it all!

Lunch was delicious, we all loved the food. The portions were very large for the reasonable prices. Our lunch lasted 2 hours but we had to keep some space in our stomachs as dinner at Express was for 7:30 p.m. The restaurant does not charge a "corking fee" to open and serve the wine, which we believe they should do.

L'Académie can only be described as a good restaurant with a very obliging and warm service (GREAT SERVICE).

Needless to say, we left the cute waiter a huge tip on our way out! We will be back!

Dear God

On Sunday February 25th, we had guests over for afternoon drinks and nibbles.

Off I go early in the morning to get the last few things we needed and lo and behold the LCBO at Queen's Quay does not open until noon on Sunday.

Off to the Summerhill LCBO, I go and Dear God, there is only one cashier on hand and it happens to be that "M" guy AGAIN!!!!! I had no choice to get this lifeless customer service once again - no greeting, no emotion, no talking and the most prolonged packing of the goods. (BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE).

Will someone in management in that store OPEN their eyes?

But we had a delightful afternoon with our friends and their children!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bu Restaurant in Montreal

After having shared the champagne and cheese tray at the Ritz Carlton, it was time for us to think about dinner. Our first dinner in Montreal in a long time.

We used the services of the concierge to try to find us a table at restaurants that had been recommended by a client of mine. No such luck on a Friday night. There was some tables available in a few restaurants but they were available way too late for the two of us.

About 3 weeks before our trip, the National Post had published a list of the best restaurants across Canada. Bu was mentionned in that newspaper.

We decided to try, on our own, to get a table at Bu. My partner called and we were told that they were full that night but if we wish to have dinner at their bar, they could reserve us 2 seats. We agreed as we love eating at a bar.

We took a taxi to Bu on Saint-Laurent. When we arrived, the place was near empty. We were seated at the bar, the service was prompt (Good Service) and we enjoyed a glass of champagne while looking at the menu.

The National Post article had mentionned something about Mama's food, so we expected "Mama" to be in the kitchen, in fact the chef was a young man of about 28 years of age.

The place got busier as the evening proceeded but was never full as we were lead to believe it would be (marketing tactic or lots of cancellations?). The fact that it never got full is not a bad thing as the acoustics in that restaurant are probably the worst ever encountered in such a place. Thankfully, being at the bar, side by side, we could have a conversation without yelling at each other as was happening in the restaurant.

Bu offers a tasting of wines with the food for a set price, however the tables are small. The set up is that there is 3 wine glasses for each customer, plus cutlery. By the time the food arrives on the table, there is hardly any place to place the food down - tables are too cramped (Good Idea for wine tasting - Really Bad Set UP).

We had a good dinner, slighthly different than what we expected from the article in the National Post.

Would we go back? Unlikely, it was an enjoyable evening but "nothing to write home about".

Ah but Saturday lunch, on the recommendation of a taxi driver turned out to be a very good find.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

After a 7 year absence from Montreal!

In late November 2006, we decided to go to Montreal as it had been 7 years since our last visit. We met our friends from Ottawa in Montreal. Our friends arrived on saturday morning and stayed at the Omni Hotel on Sherbrooke, a 5 minute walk from the Ritz Carlton

We decided to take Via 1 to Montreal early on a Friday morning. We packed a mixture of clothing, not knowing exactly what we may face when in Montreal. We stopped at a bookstore below the Royal Bank building, across from Union Station, to buy books and magazines.

I bought the latest of the Vinyl Cafe stories and it provided me with lots of good laughs during our four and half hur train ride.

The ladies who were in charge of the train on the way to Montreal were unbelievable - friendly, attentive and great personalities (GREAT SERVICE).

We arrived in Montreal, took a taxi to the Ritz Carlton on Sherbrooke Street and from the moment we arrived, the service at the hotel was A1 (GREAT SERVICE). From the time we checked in to our departure, we were treated with attention. The suite assigned to us was a large bedroom, attached to it a sitting room with large chandelier and a fireplace. High ceilings and great wall colours made it quite a relaxing place to be.

After unpacking at the Ritz, we went to walk all over the city to get reacquainted with Montreal. On the way back to the hotel, we discussed about ordering some ice to chill a bottle of Champagne we had brought with us from Toronto.

We reached our hotel and we went to the sitting room and lo and behold, there is a bottle of Champagne chilling with an assortment of fruits and cheeses. A card that was left with this "delicious surprise" tells us that it came from our dear friends the "H" in Toronto. We are god- fathers to their sons and they were aware that we would be in Montreal that week-end. Delightful Suprise.

Of course we had planned on eating and eating while in Montreal. Some reviews of some restaurants in Montreal coming in my next posting:

Friday night we were at Bu on Saint-Laurent. Saturday lunch at L'Académie on St-Denis. Saturday night at Express on St-Denis. Breakfast on Sunday at Beauties. Sunday lunch at a restaurant in old Montreal that was recommended by the concierge at the hotel (I will remember the name by the time of my next posting) Scratching head right now!!!!!!!!

Montreal is a beautiful city. I grew up in Ottawa and when it was time to party, Montreal was the place to go. Anyone remember the Limelight Disco?