Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A November Dinner at L'Express in Montréal

After that delightful lunch at L'Académie, we are looking forward to L'Express for dinner.

The doorman at The Ritz Carlton gets us a taxi to take us back to rue St. Denis. The taxi driver turns out to be a delightful, well educated man, probably in his fifties. Our friend "B" sits in the front with him and they had the most interesting conversation about writing. "B" is a great story writer and they shared the individual enjoyment that writing brings to them.

The taxi driver thought that we were 4 nice guys and did say so when we arrived at our destination. (GOOD SERVICE).

This trip to Montréal had been planned since August. Our reservation at L'Express had been made since that time.

We entered the restaurant and were greeted by the Maitre D/Manager/receptionist. This poor guy was doing too many things at once and did not offer a very warm welcome. Our table was not ready, so we had a drink at the bar.

Finally we are seated at the back of the restaurant. Again one of the first thing that you notice here is the poor acoustics. It is very loud but people seem to be enjoying themselves.

We are offer menus from our waiter. We peruse it and each one of us finds items that interests us. The waiter returns, takes our orders and that is the last time we see him until the bill arrives (BAD SERVICE).

The food is delightful. The food runner knows exactly which position, at the table, to place the food but NOT once does he say one word - such as "here's your steak tartare". He is without a smile or a word................"hmmm maybe a bad night for him". Alas as soon as he joins his co-workers at the bar and chats, a big beautiful smile appears on his face BUT that "joie de vivre" is non-existent at every table he brings food to. (BAD SERVICE). He probably does not like interaction with strangers or he is just plain bored of his job.

We had a good dinner at L'Express (food wise) but we all shared the same opinion that the service was not up to the $$$ one leaves behind upon exiting!

Good food and bad service is a very BAD combination.

L'Express has been open many years, so are they too blasé?

Sunday morning, we trek to Beauties for breakfast - what a blast! Next post coming up!

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